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Shen Zhen Lintat company LTD--环球外贸采购商
采购商名称: Shen Zhen Lintat company LTD
设在国家: 中国
所属行业: 家用电器
具体介绍: Lintat Limited Company in Shenzhen City which was established in 1993 is a high technological personal enterprise mainly concentrating on exploiting and developing the advanced and pop digital production,also,it is accredited by our country with independent knowledge property right.(the applied new pattern appellation:the multifunctional expansibility machine of the mobile telephone the production patent mark:ZL 01 2 56035.9) The company is set up in Shenzhen Special Region of China with the fastest and activest in economy.

The company has exploited the market on the basis of the ceaseless and innovative spirit all the time since it is founded.At present it is a high technological enterprise in the core of digital camera, the multifunctional expansibility machine of the mobile telephone,wireless earphone,MP3 playing machine,and son on with the mode figure and steady,reliable qulity .

The company holds passel of high diathesis persons with ability who are good at investigation,dis
联系人: Sunny
电话: 0755-83256028
Email: muili@public.szptt.net.cn
信息来源: 世界买家网名录集
安全防护 办公文教
办公文具 包装印刷
编织品 采购产品类别
车辆工程机械 抽纱
灯具灯饰 地毯及挂毯
电脑软件 电子电工
电子信息产品 裘皮革羽绒
纺织原料面料 服装服饰
工程机械 工具
化工及矿产 机械工业制品
机械及设备 家居用品
家具 家用电器
家用纺织品 建筑建材
交通运输 礼品工艺品
其他 汽摩及配件
餐厨用品 裘革皮羽绒
日用品 食品及茶叶
食品饮料 陶瓷
体育休闲 铁石制品
通讯产品 土畜产品
玩具 五金工具
五金制品 箱包
小型车辆配件 鞋帽
医药保健品 园艺
运动休闲 钟表眼镜
珠宝骨刻玉雕 装饰品